Gratis contact met Bobijntjes? Klik dan hier voor contact!
As a dressmaker I am the third generation in the family and I have specialized more in theater clothing. I have followed courses that reach as far as America so I have also seen a bit of the fashion world. Unfortunately no successors want it to never happen. If I have to write something about you I can say that I find it very important that you are respectful, reliable, certainly also independent and enterprising. I am just a woman looking for love! I am a pretty active person. I am not obsessed with sports or always on the move like some. I sometimes like my moments of calm and silence, but it is true that I still like to stay active, do sports and do activities here and there every day, to stay comfortable . get in shape and just have fun. But apart from that I am a pretty typical person, a woman with a story like any other, who this time is simply looking to start her life over again, if possible, with the right person.
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